Director’s Report

Things You Can Stumble Into At Breakfast

The last several photos in my just-posted album of today’s date were taken moments ago at breakfast.  Old men like me the world over are sipping coffee and reading the newspapers but there I am hanging out with young people and getting one hoot after another at each turn.


Several of my pictures show bulletin boards and other displays.  Currently, we have six CHALLENGES posted to include the 1984 treasure hunt (a big following,) the Kingswood Dozen, the Varsity Club promo, a Cross County run, a wildflower scavenger hunt, and a map-reading game.  These last two were just put up yesterday and we’ll see.


Boys are SO busy that one wonders why any other prompts are necessary, but about a dozen boys answered Sam Cain’s request for campers to join him for a bit on the Pines stage last evening, thus fulfilling one of the requisites of the Kingswood Dozen.

Wednesday, July 13th Afternoon


I promised an explanation of afternoons at Kingswood so here goes.  At top left you see the A-Block choices that ran from 3:00 PM to 4:30.  Mike only needed 6 activities in addition to the 4 TRIPS/GAMES  that were running.  He knew, too, that Escape, a hide-seek game, would be a “soak ‘em up,” (our word for a large attendance) so he placed four counselors and probably some CIT’s too on this duty.


BUSH PATROL, at the bottom of the list refers to the person assigned to see to it that every boy has elected something to do and is not hanging back at the cabin or “hiding in the bushes!”


On the right side of the chart is the B-Block assignments roster.  Note how specific we are with this more leisurely time of day.  It’s like “back yard play” but we are peering out of every window.  ZONE D (I think the “D” stands for “Defense) refers to counselors who simply need to be on site to watch the kids but not necessarily organize them into anything.


Lastly, I count over 50 people assigned to watch over about 150 boys, a glorious 1/3 ratio and that does not include Wipflers, nurses, kitchen people and maintenance staff, all of whom have eyes and ears, too!


Just in case the assignment chart does not stick in some applications, I will add it right now as a self-standing MIcropost.  I am also going to add some video posts today, too.  Hope you’ll be pleased.