Director’s Report

Staff Spotlight: Scott Shupe


Number of years at camp: 21 years

What do you during the camp “off season?” (e.g. your job, school, outside interests or activities)

6th grade history teacher/DEI coordinator

Describe your role(s) at camp / areas of expertise / clinics & activities you lead.

Jacob Dalton observer

What is your favorite camp trip? (e.g. hike, fishing trip, swim trip, tournament, Moose Scoops)

Franconia Ridge loop hike


What is your favorite activity to do and/or lead at camp?

Listening to Klaus describe a camp activity to a camper

What is your favorite part of the Kingswood day?

Hearing campers ask, “what’s about to happen?” after Mike finishes describing what’s about to happen

If you were a camper, how would you spend your B-Block?

Play pick-up basketball

Of all the songs you’ve heard performed at camp, which one sticks with you the most?

Rock n’ Roll. If it’s a classic, it never gets old

If you had one piece of advice for a new camper or counselor, what would it be?

Always ask yourself, “what would Drew Vanasse do?”