Director’s Report

Das Broom

Showers are in the forecast for most of the day, but the sun was peeking through at reveille and still is trying to assert itself as I write these words.  If it is blueberry muffins for breakfast, it must be Monday.  I thought I witnessed some good appetites at both the first two meals of the summer.  I’ll make an occasional reference to the great food at Kingswood.  Suffice it to say that boys get famished at camp and the meal bell has them flying down the hill.  Klaus, the Table Tsar (very powerful position) has delivered his first edict and campers are dining where he tells them to sit.  This one way we see to it that boys of all ages get to know one another.  A second strategy was on display this morning at breakfast when Scott announced that the sign up for the all-camp touch football tournament would take place at lunch.  Nearly all hands went up when he canvassed opinions.  The youngest campers are most favored in the competition as their touchdowns are worth many more points than those scored by older boys and counselors.  More on this, too, as the days pass.  Finally, breakfast concluded with the coronation of the new Inspection Tsar (hugely powerful as well) who assumed the reign title of “Das Broom.”  Evidently, the Broomster does not like either dust balls or broom bristles, as you will see below in the several photos of junior campers getting ready for the initial inspection of the summer.  At Kingswood, even inspection time has a component of fun about it.

Nor does Das Broom appreciate brooms placed with bristles down, thus bending them!

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