Director’s Report

Afternoon Clinics

I awoke yesterday morning to a pounding rain.  “Suggest that we flip the morning clinics to the afternoon,” I thought to myself.  Minutes later, at our administrative meeting, the identical proposal was on the mind of several other camp leaders.  Indoor games and projects took up the morning and by lunch, the rains had subsided to the point where the sun was shining part of the time.  By evening, it was gorgeous, and we all concluded that it was a great day of camp, with lots of activities  for all.  Our program guys are a clever and adaptable bunch.

Here are some photos of those afternoon clinics.  Note there is plenty of individual instruction going on.  I was proud of that marvelous ratio of staff to camper attention.

Every clinic save for soccer took place at the proper venue, despite the soggy conditions.

THIS PARAGRAPH IS OPTIONAL READING:  “The fields being wet, soccer may take place on the camp roadways,” we announced.  To those of you who are politically inclined, consult the wording of the second amendment, structured identically to the quote just written.  Despite the awkward phrasing of both our constitution and that sentence, we at Kingswood, at least, do not intend for our soccer program  hereafter always to be held on the roadways.  (Could not resist this dig against NRA logic! )

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