Director’s Report

Operating Irregardless

“Irregardless,” my favorite non-word, invented by seventh grade essay writers desperate to make a point!  Consider it done, as we managed to have another terrific day despite awful weather conditions.  All three clinics met as scheduled and boys even went into the lake, it being a warmer place than the outside air.  We maintained a warm fire in the Main Lodge all day long, just in case.  At one point, I found myself in front of the hearth — as a singleton — as the kids basically ignored any call to common sense in favor of unabashed jubilance with the freedom of camp.  It misted on and off through the day without really pouring until nightfall, by which time we had all moved indoors for Cabin Carnival.  Several great acts were offered, the most popular being able to put anyone you wished into jail for one minute per poker chip.  Yes, the kids took up a collection and had yours truly in the slammer for most of the evening.  A VIMEO report later today will show video of this event.  Be looking for it.  

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