Director’s Report

In the Heat of the Action

One of Kingswood’s grand traditions is the all-camp football tournament.  Rules prevent the oldest boys and counselors from dominating.  In fact, it is said that no team can win the championship without good juniors and intermediates, whose touchdowns are worth more points.  Another expectation is that teams will distribute the ball relatively equally to all players.  I get a huge kick out of watching a team huddle for a full minute, diagramming all sorts of intricate pass patterns, only to break down into complete mayhem as soon as the ball is snapped.  Last night, one team faced fourth down and plenty to go from deep in its own territory.  “Are you punting?”  I hollered.  “We never punt,” came the reply in unison, after which a first down was achieved via a long bomb!

Pictured also is the fish filet A-Block event.  Todd showed boys how to poke out the perch eye to use as bait.  Another fish was promptly hooked!  My perch tasted great, thank you.

Yes, it was hot here, too, but not as remotely pestiferous as what many of you are enduring as I write these words.  I tossed in a pic of boys in the kayaks,one of a group of all aged folks taking a break from the sun, and Harry Potter’s boys promoting a game of Quidditch.
 This is “good camp” and I am proud of it.

1 thought on “In the Heat of the Action”

  1. Hi Kingswood, I know you probably hate emails like this, but in a week I have only seen 2 photos of my son Oliver, and in one he was sweeping a cabin. In his first postcard he sounded homesick, which I know is typical, but would it be possible for me to see some pics of him participating and having fun? Thank you SO much. All best, Suzanne


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