Director’s Report


We have had a fabulous run of “Sparklers,” those near-perfect New England days.  We have had loads of interest in hiking trips as well as employing one of those cool, still evenings to burn a huge brush fire, thus killing two birds with one stone — eliminating a large accumulation of junk wood as well as giving the boys an enormous bonfire.  I grabbed a few hot dogs front he kitchen and watched with some amusement as older campers made valiant efforts to toast a few wieners — sometimes successfully and other times resulting in hasty retreats from the inferno.

The mountain photos come from the Kinsman-Cannon Mountain range (Lonesome Lake luncheon photo + view of the hike’s expanse,) Mt. Tripyramid (the steep ascent of the North Slide gallery,) and Mount Washington (which manufactures its own weather daily, even on Sparklers — hence the foggy, very very windy summit photos.)

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