We have a highly Experienced Staff. The cumulative Kingswood experience of our staff exceeds 700 summers. This is one of our most prized qualities. In addition, almost all Kingswood staff members are certified in CPR-AED and First Aid.
Administrative Staff
In addition to the Wipfler family, our administration includes over a dozen full-time teachers. These amazing educators devote their lives to providing a safe and happy experience for children during the school year, and they share these skills with us at Kingswood. Our administrative team works together to train staff, act as ro le models, and meet with first year staff to provide feedback and address any concerns. We meet as a group every morning to coordinate the day, discuss any schedule adjustments, and assign tasks. Our administrative team is an invaluable asset to Kingswood.
Michael Klaus
Assistant Director, Coach, Trip Leader
I am a product of Kingswood through and through. Starting in the summer of 1995 as a ten year old junior and not missing a single summer, I have been on nearly every rung of the Kingswood ladder. In my time on staff I have served as head of Fireplace cabin, tennis, frisbee, and Egg Drop. Currently I am the Head Counselor, oversee Junior Camp, and help create the cabin list each session, in addition to leading trips, coaching teams, and the occasional birthday skit. While I live and think camp at all times during the year, I am currently earning a Masters Degree in Private School Leadership from Teachers College at Columbia University.
Scott Shupe
Administrator, Coach, Musician, Trip Leader
Mike Wipfler introduced me to camp in 2000, the summer before our senior year at Davidson College. Having only attended focused individual sport camps growing up, I was struck by how many incredible activities were available to the campers on any given day. Living in the Kingswood environment long enough, I began to understand and embrace the camp value system – a philosophy that continues to inform my classroom teaching methodology. At camp, I teach kayaking, waterskiing, drums, golf, basketball, and lead hikes in the White Mountains – one of the most beautiful areas in the world! After teaching in Virginia for many years, I now teach 6th grade history and help coordinate DEI efforts in the middle school at Pace Academy in Atlanta, GA.
Raven Owen-Beyer
Administrator, Waterfront Director, Improv Clinician
My husband, Scott Shupe, first introduced me to Kingswood in 2006 and I’ve been coming back every year since. Having grown up in northern Vermont, I love the beautiful New England summers, and I can’t think of a better place to experience them then on the shores of Lake Tarleton. I have been a Theatre Arts teacher and director for over 15 years and currently run the Musical Theatre program at Decatur High School in Atlanta, GA. At camp, you can usually find me supervising the lifeguards at the waterfront, running an improvisation clinic, or coming up with zany “bits” to perform in the dining hall. Scott and I have our own happy Kingwood Camper, our kiddo Sebastian, who loves all things camp from frisbee golf to friendship bracelets.
Bill Dalton
Waterfront, Assistant Chef, Coach
I first met Bob Wipfler in the fall of 1988 and first set foot on the shores of majestic Lake Tarleton in June 1989. Largely because of my experience as Director of Soccer and Head Counselor over the next three years, I decided to make teaching and coaching my profession. I have spent the past two decades as an independent school teacher and coach and, after a 13-year hiatus, have been back at Kingswood since 2005 as Waterfront Director. In my first stint at Kingswood, I grew to love teaching and working with boys and teenagers. Now in my second stint I have come to enjoy teaching and counseling our young adult staff members as well, and everyone knows that whenever I am not lifeguarding on the waterfront, they can find me at “Billy D’s Temple of Smoke,” the camp barbeque area right next to the waterfront. Heaven!
Rob Horne
Coach, Activity Clinician, “Bit” Specialist

Having been introduced to the camp by my good friend and fellow Richmond Spider Rob Wipfler in the 1990s, I was entranced by the North Woods, activities, and excellent people associated with Kingswood. Like a tractor beam, I was drawn back to camp during most summers of my collegiate years. From lacrosse clinics to hiking trips into the White Mountains, the pace of camp suited my passions and interests for all things joyful in life. It was at Kingswood, standing near where the Lakeview cabin now stands, that Coach Bob Wipfler first suggested that I consider a life in education.
After a brief professional detour working in the archaeology field, I have been heeding Mr. Wipfler’s advice by teaching history and coaching lacrosse for the past twenty years at several independent schools in Virginia. When my son reached camper age, we reconnected with the camp and he has enjoyed the joys of Kingswood for the past six years. It has been really special sharing the many treasures of Kingswood with him, and we both look forward to summers at camp.
Andy Luther
Waterfront Director, Sports

My first full summer session at Kingswood was in 2017, but my first visit to Lake Tarleton was in 2015 during Bow and Arrow week. I managed to sneak away from my responsibilities as the Aquatics Director for summer camp at Landon School, where I also teach and coach. During my visit, I was impressed by every camper I met – great manners, firm handshakes, confident, respectful, and appropriately curious – these kids were amazing. For three days I had a blast learning all about camp: I played the Cayman Golf Course, watched some basketball, enjoyed Polar Bear each morning, ate well, and listened to the loons. But none of these things were as impressive to me as what I witnessed with the Bows and Arrows teams preparing for and delivering their Alma Mater and Fight Songs. The level of dedication to each other, the understanding of the importance of their performance, and the incredible level of respect each boy had for their “opponents” that week blew me away. I knew that I would do whatever I could to get my son to be part of that world and be surrounded by these inspired counselors and campers. In 2017, Meredith and I had an opportunity to help out with camp administration and coaching, and to bring Drew to join the fun. I watched my son grow every day there. He jumped into everything he could, participated in clinics and waterfront activities, became a Kingswood boy, and was embraced by the whole camp. My family is part of Kingswood, and Kingswood is part of us, and we are so grateful.
Todd Sabiston
Master Fisherman, Musician, Trip Leader
Kingswood has been a part of my life for over 25 years. You’ll find me in “Mount Olympus,” my fabulous apartment in the Main Lodge that overlooks the lake. I am always game for a guitar clinic, getting ready for a Connecticut River fishing trip, singing by the campfire or telling another of my immense collection of camp stories. (editor’s comment: they are hilarious!) During the school year, I am an Elementary School Physical Education teacher near Baltimore.
Justin “Spanky” Roman
Coach, Music Director, CIT Director
It was while visiting my brother on “Parents’ Day” in 1997 that I first stepped foot on the Kingswood grounds. Those White Mountain views over Lake Tarleton immediately felt like home. Ever since then, I have not missed a chance to return there every summer, following a path from a junior camper to Music Director, Intern Director and, finally, the Administrator that I am today. At Kingswood in 1998 I was introduced to the drums, and by the time I was 15, I was teaching drum clinics. My love and passion for music has always been important to me but Kingswood fostered an unexpected love for teaching. During the camp season, I instruct canoeing, baseball, target sports (archery and riflery) and of course our music clinics (guitar, drums and songwriting). During the off season, I help coordinate weddings and other events held on the campus as well as taking care of the grounds until we close for winter. I also help coordinate alumni, staff and camper events, and help promote Kingswood at camp fairs. It is so exciting to be able to work for Kingswood Camp all year round. When I’m not fully immersed in all things camp, I reside in The Bronx, NY where I teach music and perform with my band Baychester Blues. But mostly, I find myself counting down the days until camp begins again!
Nursing Staff
At Kingswood, there are two nurses on staff throughout the summer. Our nurses are registered and fully qualified. Most of them are school nurses, and are therefore used to working with camp-age children. Many of our nurses are parents of boys who attend Kingswood and have returned year after year for a great experience. Our nurses provide annual training to all staff before campers arrive. Parents can always contact the infirmary with questions for the nurses. 603-989-0090.
Anne Young
Supervisory Nurse

I first came to Kingswood over 10 years ago, got hooked and have been coming back ever since. Growing up, my parents bought a rustic cottage in Central Ontario, Canada and from the time I was 9 years old, I’ve spent summers swimming, water skiing, canoeing, and fishing on Hay Lake. My husband and I live on Lake Champlain, in Highgate Springs, VT. I’ve been a registered nurse for over 40 years with a varied background from pediatric nursing, to medical surgical, to 25 years an an Army Nurse, both as a Reservist, VT National Guardsman, and with two tours in Afghanistan. I’ve been the supervisory nurse here at for several years now and review the medical forms for every camper, assuring that any issue or concern is brought to the Admin Staff as appropriate. The infirmary is always open for medical issues, treatments, the usual cuts, scraps and bruises, as well as a safe place for campers to come and talk.
Corah Edwards Seale

My first summer at Kingswood was in 2015. I received an email that a local summer camp was looking for a nurse. I have lived in VT/NH my entire life and grew up going to summer camp, so I figured why not? My two sons at the time were 10 and 2. I would say the rest is history. My oldest son has now aged out and my youngest son was a camper for the first time in 2021. Kingswood holds a special place in me and my boy’s hearts. During the school year, I am the Director of Health Services at a boarding school in NH. One of the reasons I took that job was so I could have my summers free for Kingswood. When caring for 160+ boys I like to use a mix of humor, compassion, and care. My goal is for the boys to feel healthy and safe but also to push them to get back out and enjoy camp!
Kevin Seale

Kevin comes to Kingswood primarily by way of his wife Corah, but mostly because Bob and Alice Wipfler welcomed him to the table for a camp family meal his first visit. Since then, he has offered his expertise as part of the health care team sharing duties with his wife. “Often times the boys come to the infirmary looking for a mother’s care and concern, and being able to attend and nurture their needs from a father’s perspective creates a great balance and connection.” When not at camp, Kevin works as a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) at several nearby hospitals in northern NH, and teaches doctoral students at a university in Maine.
Kitchen Staff
The kitchen staff at Kingswood Camp provides campers with some of the best camp food in America. Our talented cooks offer a variety of choices three times a day. A salad bar is available at lunch and dinner. The buffet table provides vegetarian options and more exotic choices. “There is no food budget at Kingswood,” is a frequent comment from the Director’s lips. The kitchen staff is happy to work with any camper that needs a personalized meal plan – just contact us.
Alanna Carr
Assistant Chef; Special Diet Coordinator

I was fortunate to find Kingwood after moving to New England from New Jersey a few years ago. Since 2017 I have spent every summer cooking at camp and experiencing the magic that is the Kingswood and Lake Tarleton. It’s more than just a camp, it’s a community and family. I have been able to explore my culinary side, while making tons of memories and life long friendships.
While at camp you can find me cooking up vegan and vegetarian dishes, spinning the latest hits, kayaking, on the boats, or foraging on the Lake Side trail. Off season I work in an elementary school with special needs students, practice herbalism, forage in the woods, and hike in the White Mountains year round.
Maintenance Staff
We are constantly making improvements to the camp property, both during the off-season and over the summer. Our experienced maintenance staff strive to complete their work with minimal impact on the daily program. Both men can be considered a jack-of-all-trades. As often as possible, they join us in the dining hall for meals and laugh along with the campers.
Mike Fusco
Maintenance Director

As the odd ball who never went to a boys camp, I can happily say I’m enjoying it as an adult. The funny thing is, my career was not in maintenance at all. My career started in Connecticut, where I was a police detective for 30 years. I had been vacationing from Connecticut to New Hampshire, hiking the mountain ranges and water skiing since age 15. My wife, Linda, and I built our retirement home in New Hampshire in 2002 and we retired in 2014. Thinking I could actually retire for good was unrealistic for me- I call it boredom. Throughout the years I have learned many trade skills in carpentry, plumbing, and electrical, so when Linda saw the ad for a Kingswood Boys Camp Director of Maintenance I applied for it. After meeting with Rob and explaining my background and at the various projects I had completed, the Wipflers hired me. I started in 2019 and have enjoyed every minute of it. Along with the Wipfler family, I strive every year to improve and maintain the facilities. I have been very pleased with the outcome and grateful for the opportunity.
Jerry Vanasse
Assistant Maintenance, Off-season caretaker
As a life long camp person, I have been at Kingswood since Bob Wipfler bought the camp in 1984. My role has evolved over the years and I have overseen many changes to the Kingswood property. I bring camp experience and assist the camp in many ways. My previous camp experience includes being a waterfront director and camp director at Cragged Mt. Farm in Freedom, NH. At Cragged, I had the opportunity to lead hiking and canoeing trips. I have hiked all of the 4000-foot mountains in NH and have lead coed trips in the mountains and on the Allagash River. At Waukeela Camp for girls in Eaton, NH, I worked as head of maintenance and my wife, Polly, headed the white water canoeing program. At Kingswood, I am a resource as well as a maintenance man. I taught high school physics at Brooks School, Landon School and the Groton School. I met Bob Wipfler at Landon and have been at Kingswood ever since. I love being on Lake Tarleton and I look forward to every minute that I spend at camp. Summer should be year round!