“We received five letters from Tom when he was at Kingswood. Each letter started with, “I am having the best time of my life.” What more could we ask for? We are so impressed with your family and the staff you have chosen at Kingswood. The young gentlemen in charge of Tom’s cabin were confident, respectful and genuine. What great role models for our young boys. As you know, this was Tom’s first camp experience, more difficult for us then him! We sensed a need for some independence, he jumped on it and ran! We could not have chosen a better experience for him or a greater comfort level for us anywhere else. Tom would love to return to Kingswood next summer and speaks of his desire to be a CIT in the future.”
“The actual experience was perhaps even better than our fantasized version.”
“I am sorry to report to you that my son Michael returned very disappointed from his second summer at Kingswood Camp. In fact, he was so disappointed in having to return home from another wonderful experience at Kingswood that I am going to have to work extra hard trying to create fun and excitement for him during the transition period! Please extend my thanks to everyone at Kingswood who helped make this an even better summer experience than last year. When I dropped Mike off this summer I was not sure if he could have as good a summer as he had his first year. So what is your secret??”
“I could not be more impressed with everyone who works at the camp. The boys had their physical, mental, and emotional needs met and tried new things and experienced a ton of different emotions in a safe space. I honestly, do not know how the directors are able to respond quickly to one-on-one communications and the directors do a great job of keeping the whole parent world up to date. My boys participated in classes from water skiing to cooking……so many options. I have two very different kids, who have very different ideas of what a fun activity is. Both kids loved every clinic, hike, and fishing trip they did and both had an amazing time.”
“I feel like Kingswood is equal to an extra year of “life school” each summer.”
“Just a note of THANKS to say how much we enjoyed our weekend at Kingswood. You likely already know what a genuinely talented staff you have and clearly, you know what an awesome group of kids call Kingswood home for the summer (or part of it). We just wanted you to know how impressed we were with how the campers and counselors treated us and, particularly, how they treated one another. The respect and camaraderie they feel toward each other was constantly evident. Not once did I pass a young man who did not have a “How are you?” or “Can I help you find someone?” on their lips. You have done a great job. No wonder Thomas feels comfortable enough to go the distance. It is reassuring to be able to travel abroad knowing he is in such capable hands. Thanks!!”
“I have to tell you Jeremy had a near to perfect camp experience. He says it is the best time he ever had. In fact he is talking about coming for 6 or 7 weeks. We will work on that part but you can definitely count him in as Kingwood Boy for life! What struck us most when we picked him up was how rested and calm he was. Almost mellow…not something you always see in 11 year old boys! And he continues to rave about the food and how good it was. You should also know he gained 3 pounds while at camp which was wonderful and THRILLED his doctors!! So perhaps I need to come up and learn how to be more like Kingswood.”
“My boys had only wonderful things to say about the camp counselors and senior staff. They were engaged, light-hearted, and fun all while prioritizing safety and establishing trust with the campers. I am always in awe at the level of communication at Kingswood. From the director updates, to the photos, to the personal messages that I received to ensure my boys were off to a great start assuaging a mother’s concerns. I couldn’t have asked for more!
I feel the range of resources that allow the boys to tap into so many familiar (and unfamiliar) activities- from sports, to the arts, to outdoor adventures, and even to those that aren’t as ‘athletic’ is amazing and there are choices for every personality type and activities to meet any boys’ interests in this age bracket. It’s astounding, really!”
“The boys are given time to hang out and do what boys do best, have fun with each other. I think that the pace that these kids maintain during the year with school, sports, music and pressure from everyone and every direction is way more than we ever experienced when we were young a hundred years ago. When do they ever get to be kids? You mentioned something about back yard play and it rang so true watching the pick up soccer games and the Frisbee golf. It seemed that the only thing stopping the boys was the ensuing darkness. You and your family really “get” what boys are all about. I only wish the rest of our world would catch up with Kingswood and realize what a great gift it is to be a kid.”
“The attentiveness, friendliness, and enthusiasm of the counselors and staff is exceptional. They manage to consistently find the sweet spot of nurturing while helping campers push their own limits a bit. We’ve heard countless stories from our son that demonstrate how supported and cared-for he felt, while it was clear that the counselors were also offering him opportunities for growth, independence, and just the right amount of “struggle.”
“Kingswood is the highlight of my kids’ lives: Not kidding, not exaggerating.”
“There is no question, Kingswood has the best communication of any summer camp. The daily pictures are so wonderful. The director’s report is always so fun to read and goes a long way towards easing any unnecessary parental worries. The video reports are icing on the cake.”

“We looked forward to the daily updates to get an overall sense of what the day had brought, and responded well to the tone of those messages, videos, and photos: seriousness, discipline, lightness, humor, wit, wisdom, no nonsense, and fun– all in evidence and all in balance.”
“Thank you for creating a magical place for my boys. I am 100% sure that Kingswood will have a huge influence on the adults they become.”