What is the camp’s care package policy?

Due to allergies, boys are not allowed to receive food of any kind in care packages. Campers also will not be allowed to arrive at camp with food.

You may be asking, “Just what can I send my son in a care package?” Good question! Here’s what we recommend: think of a care package as a “resupply package”. Smart choices would include new issues of favorite magazines, a copy of the sports section of the newspaper, a new book, a deck of cards, etc. Other potential inclusions could be items that were forgotten at home or have broken, such as flip flops or a flashlight. Please do not send toys or nuisance items! We have all of the equipment necessary to keep the campers busy from dawn to dusk. Plus, remember that space at camp is very limited. Boys live out of their trunks, which are often packed to the brim, and only have a small cubby or shelve area. More stuff from home simply equals more clutter!

Lastly, there is no limit to the number of good old-fashioned letters you can send your sons. They love receiving letters — it’s probably the best way you can show them you love them when they are at camp!

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