Director’s Report

A Leisurely Sunday

Saturday was a fast-paced day with a dozen games with Camp Pemi.  Even though not every camper participated in the contests, the Leisure Tsar pulled a prank on those who signed up for croquet and other non-energy consuming events.  It ended up being more like the Leisure Olympics and I witnessed boys gleefully doing push-ups between strokes of the mallet, etc.  Only at Kingswood.

Yesterday, then, we had every reason to call for an easy day.  Sunday morning — as you read about in an email post — is time to clean, reorganize and ponder such consequential issues as beating the homesick bug and developing good strategies for making and keeping new friends.  I am always amazed — thrilled, really — that kids of all ages can be most articulate in expressing thoughts on these topics.  Said one seven year old, “On the first day, I stayed in my cabin and cried, but after that I just stayed outside and did lots of activities and it was much better.”

There were a few action games during the A-Block period (3-4:30) period in the afternoon.  But, I was attracted to the Euro soccer final contest between Spain and Italy during B-Block.  All seven of our Spanish boys, along with maybe 30 more US boys, were rooting hard for Spain to win and I found the gathering to be most social and amicable.  Television does have a place at camp, so long as its use is kept in the proper perspective.

The boys had plenty of recharged energy by evening time.  The Guides put on a very funny skit at dinner to promote our favorite capture-the-flag model, which we call Stealth.  The rules are complicated, but no one needs to run pell-mell through the woods in this game, but rather gets points for sneaking up on the flag, supposedly well concealed somewhere in the deep woods.  I don’t remember the end of Stealth, as I most likely fell fast asleep before it ended.  Hey, as camp director, I need my “A” game early each morning!


1 thought on “A Leisurely Sunday”

  1. Great pictures of everyone! Looks like everyone is having the time of their lives.
    Talked to Nicolai and he couldn’t be happier!
    Stay cool……..
    All my best,


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