Director’s Report

Active Boys

I was tempted to “put down” the boys earlier last evening, but, since the rains came a-pouring, it made sense to gather in the Great Room to talk about staying dry on Kingswood hikes and overnights.  All agreed that warm clothing that keeps you dry on the inside (i.e, not cotton) was just about the most important item to carry in one’s pack.  Anyway, we are off to Smarts Mountain for what certainly will be a sloggy hike and campout.  I’ll be interested to learn if the campers really were listening!

Meanwhile, please do not feel sorry for our being still in the soup after a week plus of camp.  Amazingly, no one seems to care all that much about the rains, which have come intermittently all the while.   We have postponed many an activity but have cancelled almost nothing.  Big difference!  Anyway, check the photos below to witness once again a whole bunch of active, happy boys.

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