Director’s Report

Also Rans

Yes, I readily admit to a photographic bias in favor of younger campers and first-time patrons.  Some of the old vets are taken for granted — “also-rans,” if you will, from the Blues Buster report frame of reference.  I’ll feature some of these boys in the  next few reports, so that my photo-op score card becomes reasonably balanced by session’s end, now just single-digit days ahead.

Plenty of interesting photos follow.  The company line is that only Mike Wiff, Program Director, is stressed over the varying weather patterns we have experienced all session long.  He’s the guy, for example, who must decide whether the soccer field is dry enough at 3 PM, or if it needs another hour, before we can use it.  The rest of us just go with the flow.

No such problems exist on the waterfront.  Sailing has had a great run this session, as you can tell from both the clinics as well as a marvelous regatta yesterday afternoon.  In that one, some boys got caught in irons, and you can see it developing in the photos further along in the report.  No one cared all that much, but of course.  The ducks, too, are enjoying the summer wetness and those little babies seemed not a tad frightened to be held hostage by the sailing clinic.

July 9th is Taylor’s birthday.  In his 8 years here, it has become a tradition to blast him on this day, yesterday being no respite.  That his brother, Graham, was behind the skit, only added to the hilarity of it.  Never would we treat a more sensitive camper to such roughness.

The Varsity hikers who tackled the Kinsman-Cannon Mountain range got inundated with heavy rain, arriving home still saturated and quite hungry.  “Those wonderful hardships” always are memorable.

That last photo is a doozy and tells more about Kingswood than one could ever imagine.  It turned out that the day trip to Webster Cliff left camp minus one sandwich for lunch.  Charmion caught up with the driver (me) about 5 miles down the road and tossed the stray sandwich into the van.  In how many camps does the head kitchen manager perform such selfless deeds?

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