Director’s Report

“Because We Say So”

“Because We Say So”

August 6, 2023


Yesterday we kicked off the Bow and Arrow competition for summer 2023.


Check out the Featured Photo atop this blog. Those are some serious faces and you can tell campers are listening to the discussion on sportsmanship. Actually, the boys were participating in the conversation as Mike and other camp leaders have the skill of what I call “rearticulation.”  That simply means the child speaks first and then the adult both commends the comment and repeats it in different words to be certain that everyone in the room understands the point.


They talked about what makes for a good loser, a good winner and a good team player. Not lost on anyone was that the idea is to have fun, respect the game you are playing, and celebrate any contest played with heart and hustle, whatever the outcome for you and your team. “This is not an adversarial competition,” explained Mike, adding that boys should remember they are playing against friends.  That means friends before, during and after the games are over.


I really like the schedule the program folks have concocted.  90% of the contests are this weekend, yesterday and today.  Things like chess, riflery, archery, art designs, fishing derbies and firebuilding make certain that there is something for all campers’ tastes and abilities. The Boat Meet is going on right now outside my office window and I wonder if the inevitable capsized canoe has occurred yet.


Monday through Wednesday will be regular camp days for all the campers. Behind the scenes, the coaches will be preparing for an enormous conclusion to B&A to occur on Thursday.  It involves a huge relay race of sorts and a Songfest. I’ll explain all of this when we get closer to that day.


Meanwhile, enjoy the abundance of photos we posted today. And, ponder this camper response to the question, “Why will Bow & Arrow Week be successful for everyone?”  Said he, “Because we say so.”