Old Kingswood hands will want to know at the outset how the introduction to B&A transpired this year. Answer: The administration demanded that the theatrics be kept to a minimum this time around. Most assuredly, B&A intros have reached the point where no longer can any team think of a grand entry more exotic than any done in the past. This year, accordingly, the ski boats delivered the two coaching staffs to the main dock, where the teams were revealed to the anxious campers.
Bow & Arrow at Kingswood has that wonderful tradition of sportsmanship, which was on full display yesterday afternoon and evening. Senior soccer gets plenty of play in the photo collection below. “As goes senior soccer, so goes the week,” is a long-held theory. The see-saw game ended in a one-goal triumph for the Bows, clearly a harbinger of a very close competition.
It is easy to see the level of increased intensity in the boys’ faces in the pictures below. Placed in the proper perspective, a modicum of serious competition is good for youngsters. We teach the kids the importance of leaving the outcome of the game right there on the field. In the dining room, for example, boys from both teams are forever seen giving back rubs to the neutral referees. And, no meal is ever complete without a cheap bit of some sort or another. Everyone applauds the skits. Bow coaches praise Arrows and Arrow coaches praise Bows. Good vibrations prevail throughout.
Bocce, ultimate frisbee, touch football kickball were some of the contests held after dinner and it was a nice sunset that awaited the tired campers as they traipsed back towards the cabins for a well-earned night’s rest.