Or, should that read “Life is Camp” ? At this very moment, we have so many ideas swirling around in our heads that both phrases duly apply to Wipflers, anyway. Here, therefore, is the opening salvo of what promises to be one of our more active off-season communication barnstorms ever!
Pines Field and the soccer pitch have been aerated, seeded and fertilized. This pic was taken a while back and Rob now reports that the grass has taken root very well. Perhaps a waste of time, since you boys will be making new bare spots starting on day number one of summer 2015.Dan has so many autumn jobs that he turned to me and said, “Oh gosh, what should I do next?” Here you see him addressing the carpentry needs of Pines Cabin. He is going cabin to cabin looking for destruction and mayhem caused by the summer hordesMiles is off the leash and now is one very happy dog. Those beautiful yellow flowers are called dwarf dandelions, a name that totally misses the point. They are gorgeous wild flowers. Rob enjoys being the superintendent of the grounds.Rob, Jerry and I spent one day tracing all the camp’s underground pipes and power lines. Did you know that water, electric and sewer services run under Pines Field?Camp ended on August 9 but Alice and I did not depart until just a few days ago. Naturally, we saw Mother T in many different moods.We all swore we could see autumn colors beginning to appear on the mountainsides.
Given the heatwave we are now experiencing here in Maryland, one already wishes he were back at camp!I would not mind at all being on the Main Lodge porch this evening at about sundown.Once the humans depart, all sorts of interesting wildlife can be spotted. These mergansers, or diving ducks, were amazing. I saw them propelling like torpedoes as they were fishing for dinner.Even more remarkably, the mergansers startled this loon, who expanded his girth to about twice its normal size. Those ducks took off at about 100 miles per hour. Thus, in conclusion, “Camp is life and life is camp.”