Director’s Report

Chocolate Pizza

Chocolate Pizza

July 1, 2024


Midway in my photo album from yesterday is a pic of Tommy and Dante in the Trips Room.  This is probably the big story of the day since 8 boys and 2 counselors are already off to the Southern Presidential Range as I write these words. This is rugged territory, you see, and here we are going for it on the eighth day of camp. This is a strong team of hikers and I expect a magnificent report upon their return late tomorrow.

Since Sunday morning was rather mundane – clean up and meetings – no photographers were on hand. “We are not obligated to cover every camp event,” I said to Sara and neither of us were there at the ice cream party last evening at 8 PM.  Next time, for sure, as ice cream always affords really good photo opportunities. By the way, the ticket to get into ice cream parties is a letter home and we are very strict about this rule. Expect mail.

Things got moving rapidly after rest hour with the first round of the Kingswood touch football tournament. Boys love those camp jerseys, which are reversible, thus making white and dark distinctions an easy chore.  Each team has a junior and senior squad and it is a counselor who usually does the quarterbacking. All games are exhibitions until Week 4, when the elimination rounds lead to the Super Bowl on the last day of the session.

It was such a beautiful afternoon that both Sara and I were on hand for general swim. She got the close ups, naturally, and I went more for the landscapes so you can soak in the scene. Then I sat down in my favorite chair to simply watch the action, as documented by the photo of my leg!

Evenings at Kingswood often render fabulous colors and stunning cloud formations. This has always been the case and I admit to being drawn to it. I stumbled into a few of the traditional sponsorships like Frisbee golf, gaga, and Pickleball as well as a few of our silly options.

Not too many camps offer “rolling on the ground” or baseball with a tennis racket while running the bases backwards.  We call it J-Ball for reasons totally uncertain and I have deep convictions on this game to be revealed at some other time.

Lastly, remember the Cabin Carnival that was held on that rainy Saturday afternoon?  Each cabin sponsored a game of chance as well as had the opportunity to spend their poker chips on the other cabins’ offerings.  At the end, each group used its final stash to bid on a counselor, who represented a “hidden prize.”

I heard Mike Wiff tell the counselors to make all the prizes somewhat decent. Shucks. I liked the days when a few clunkers were tossed in there, such as a bucket of rocks and the command to wash a counselor’s car during rest hour.  Anyway, the Waterfront Cabin made up of older campers bid on Josh, whose prize turned out to be chocolate pizza. After a couple of bites, the Waterfronters handed off the box to the younger boys, who consumed it with glee.