Director’s Report

Early Autumn at Kingswood

In actuality, early autumn at Kingswood looks very much like summer at Kingswood, but without the boys.  While we have mixed feelings about the passing of the camp season, we appreciate the notion of one thing which makes Kingswood so special is that one cannot have it but for a few weeks per annum.  Campers need to get on with schooling and other components of their formal education with the understanding that Kingswood is only one part of the process.  If I were a parent reading these words, I would inquire of my son about which values he learned at camp that he can replicate at school, or at least acknowledge to his peers are important to him.  Give it a shot; you’ll be surprised about how much “camp” has stuck with him.

OK, End of sermon for now.  Rob and I have in front of us our “annual post-camp commentary,” which we will commence as soon as we recondition ourselves to normal life.  Camp is exhilarating but exhausting at the same time, trust us.  Anyway, our perspective is due and will be coming along one of these days.

Meanwhile, enjoy these photos that were taken a week or so ago.

Those gardens fitted with annuals like impatiens always look their best after everyone has cleared out.
Hydrangeas sometimes grow into the size of melons.
Our new perennial gardens look terrific for the four weddings taking place this autumn. How about Kingswood for a family reunion?
You gotta admit- camp looks like camp is in session, eh?
It does not take long for the fields to heel once boys depart the scene.
It still is baseball season.
The entire perimeter of the soccer filed got trimmed this past summer and it looks so nice as an after effect.
Speaking of trimming, we did a massive clean up of the roadway entrance area after camp.
Perhaps more folks can now appreciate the name of our camp as the “king’s wood” has been highlighted.
You can even see Mother T from the gate entrance.

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