Director’s Report

Five Photo Albums

Five Photo Albums

July 3, 2024


I wanted the theme of the day to be “Blue Skies,” as in “nothing but blue skies do I see.”   But when I saw five new albums of photos, I thought that perhaps a few explanations were the better angle of attack in today’s blog.

First, to those counselor photos. Sara and I beg the staff folks to take phones along wherever they go to document various events.  We take winning sports teams to the Moose Scoops ice cream stand in nearby Warren, where a “small” cone still has an enormous portion.

Woodworking has been a most popular activity under the guidance of Don Becker.  This week’s clinics are featuring building puppets, er marionettes as Don prefers to call them.

Look at those two tents set up beneath the rocks at Sunset Cliffs.  It was windy that night and still the campers had really good protection from those gusts.  Just a couple minutes in the van and about 20 minutes of hiking gets you to this terrific site.

The stars were so bright that we even got a few photos of the Big Dipper.  Those gazers surely had an experience to remember.

And, there’s the blue boat anchored just off shore at Pirate’s Cove. There have been two overnights here already this session. The weather being so perfect, we are going for it now.

Locals jump off the bridge at Big Eddy.  Not us!  And, with lower than average water flows, we have restricted a few jumps. Boys love this place, only 15 minutes down the road.

To my photos selections:  I chose again to feature lots of landscapes, and especially with all those blue skies “smiling at us.” A tetherball tied to the top of the pole is a sign that the tsar of this activity has decided that there are many other far superior choices on the agenda!

It amazes me how fast the flowers grow around here.  I am told that is due to the relatively short bloom season in these northern climes.

The junior street hockey team won their Baker Valley Tournament (BVT) yesterday and celebrated by jumping into the lake in their Kingswood tee shirts.

We had a perfect setting for Council Fire last evening.  Rob and I told some stories that centered around a question we posed first.  Example:  To Max and Max, who had the fastest time in the Lake Swim, we let them guess how deep was the lake out there in the middle.  They nailed it:  about 60 feet.  That in turn allowed us to tell the boys about which fish are in the lake, such as lake trout who stay down in the deep regions.

Todd and Spanky then taught them two traditional camp songs, both written by Todd nearly 30 years ago. He still is editing them, he told the crowd.

Regarding Welch-Dickey, these two lower elevation peaks are worth the effort as open rock faces are encountered just a few minutes up the trail and continue all the way to the top. At the same time, we took another crack at the Franconia ridge, the first assault having been turned back by the heavy winds.  This time was a far different story.

And, lastly, you can find 105 photos by Sara, encompassing two days. Hers are of professional quality and merit framing in some cases.  How did she manage to get up at 7 AM yesterday to follow the Lake Swimmers?  As a youngster, she was seldom spotted before noon.