Watching a clock tick for one minute can be tedious. But, camp time has a way of flying at warp speed and we now are reminding boys about their “last chances” for this and that as well as “gather your gear.”
The first two pix today highlight our two German campers, Fritz and Freddy. Of course, they are happy boys this morning and I had the pleasure of announcing that for the past four World Cup finals, Kingswood has had campers from the winning country on campus to both watch and celebrate the championship.
Pemi Day went off once again without a single hitch — in scheduling, participation and sportsmanship. Kiera caught a few good scenes. The picnic supper was a happy scene, too.
These photos reveal the level of ease and comfort the campers now feel towards being away from home. And, yes, at council fire meeting yesterday, I conducted the “Day 21 vote” on how boys were adjusting to camp life. As expected, an enormous majority of kids selected the 8-10 range of the scale, meaning that they have been won over to the enjoyable routine of camp. I am left to conclude that these last few days truly will be the “gravy days” of their summer.