What sensational good fortune to open on such a gorgeous day. A few stragglers are due to arrive in a few days but everybody expected today is on the grounds, as I write these words. The morning hours were Grand Central Station, as per expected. By 2 pm, however, we had moved from our watchful waiting mode to a full slate of options for the campers who were itching to get into a higher gear. The pix below show some boys down on the waterfront — shivering due more to a stiff breeze than cool temps — and a quick glance of leisure action up on Pines Field. The bus from Manchester arrived at about 4:30, whereupon we all gathered in the council fire for some hilarious introductions. A hefty dinner awaiting after that. And, right this minute, cabin groups are assembled to go over the few — but serious– rules we have at Kingswood. Lots of boys, and at least one director, are bushed so it will be early lights out and sweet dreams on the morrow.