Director’s Report

Keeping Our Cool

By our standards, it is hot here, too.  However, unlike most, we have instant solutions to the lingering heat wave.  Most of the action yesterday afternoon was in and around the lake.  The Zany Olympic towerball event is shown below, compliments of daughter, Sara.  (You’ll really miss out on some sensational photos if you do not order her 2012 Kingswood yearbook. )   After dinner, it was cool enough to go ahead with more elimination rounds of the touch football tournament.  By 8:30, the games had been completed and all gathered in the dining room for the weekly inspection ice cream party.  I declared the Kingswood bank to be in need of a TARP bailout after I saw the sizes of those ice cream servings.  The top three cabin placers received four large scoops.  In the photos which follow, those long faced lads were lower down the standings and had to suffer through a mere three or two dollops.  I felt so sorry for them!

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