With the Holidays coming up, many of you may be traveling to exotic outposts. Please document the experience while wearing Kingswood gear and send us the photos for our next update. Below you will find a mixture of new pix and old ones we have used before. The point is to remind you to “say cheese” about the planet. Enjoy.
First thought is ski trips, like this one to Vail by Owen a few years ago.Personally, I’d head to the high seas for some sail fishing. This is Christian Bazarian’s brother, Drew.That’s a bit of a fib. I’d more likely stick along the beach with Lochlan at Kiawah…or look at it via a short hike in Hong Kong, along with the profusely sweating Kelmo.Nate Gilman, long-time alum, recently hiked in Albania, while ….Peter Heilbron was last seen in Portofino, Italy.Nick Roman hiked the entire Appalachian Trail while wearing that same T-shirt. A record, no doubt.One of the original KATG photos was sent to us by Des Mahon on Mt Kilamanjaro in Africa. Beat that one!OK, here we are with Baibhav’s relatives in The Himalaya Mountains. (Full disclosure: We took a cab to this outlook.)Right before that, however, we had taken an ox ride in the south of Nepal.If you go to any big sports event, remember to wear K gear and take that photo!Always have your camera handy at international airports, like the time Mike and Liam ran into the Foresters in Nevis.Thanks, Aaron, for remembering to snap away while visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris.Even friends like Ed remember to don Kingswood gifts while in places like Lisbon, Portugal.Thanks to the Masiakos for imposing on the authorities while visiting the Canadian Rockies.Lastly, we have no idea how this came to pass somewhere in the Midwest! Just remember to “think camp” wherever your adventures lead you.