Director’s Report

Kingswood Cast of Characters: Skyler Davidman

What is your name?

Skyler Davidman

How many years have you been at Kingswood / what was your first year at Kingswood?

6 years/2018

What do you do in the camp “off season?” (e.g. job, school)

In the offseason I am a civil engineering major at Northeastern University, where I also play for the Ultimate team.

How would you describe your role at Kingswood?

I’m a counselor that tends towards athletics, either classic team sports or Kingswood original games. In the cabin I tend to be a pretty steady hand, not taking absolute control of everything but making sure each day runs smoothly.

Please share a favorite camp memory.
One rest hour as a Guide, it was the CIT day off and all the Bubbler cabin counselors were out on hikes. I immediately volunteered to spend rest hour with the Bubbler kids, and we played card games and solved Rubik’s cubes. While simple, this rest hour taught me a lot about the nature of the Kingswood community with how swiftly the Bubbler kids accepted my presence, and showed me how amazing it was to be a Kingswood counselor.
What makes Kingswood special to you?
What makes Kingswood special is that everyone knows everyone else, and even if two members of the camp community aren’t close friends, they still share a mutual respect. Everyone at Kingswood treats each other incredibly well, and that fosters a beautiful camp atmosphere where I always feel confident, connected, and care-free.
When you think of camp, what are the first 5 words / thoughts that pop into your head?
Fun, community, sports, REST HOUR
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place is Tramp Field. I think Tramp is massively underrated, and I love it because it is home to Wipflerball, holes 7, 8, 12, and 13 of the frisbee golf course (easily all top 9 holes), and a large portion of the Kingswood golf course. Additionally, it creates the ideal slip n’ slide.
What is your favorite A-block offering?
My favorite A-block has always been the Kingswood football tournament. There’s really no trophy I value more than that coveted Kingswood football championship.
If you were a camper, how would you spend your B-Block?
On a hot day, nothing beats the waterfront, but I always love a round of frisbee golf.
What is your favorite Kingswood hike / trip?
My favorite hike is Percival-Morgan. I love loop trails, and this one is rather eventful, leading to two beautiful views.
What is your favorite Kingswood special event (could be an annual event or a truly special, we only did it once, event)?
Definitely the egg drop. As a camper, it was a future engineer’s dream task, and now as a counselor I get to reverse-engineer the eggs into ruins each year.
What is your favorite Kingswood meal?
What is a skill or activity you learned at camp?
Frisbee. I love ultimate frisbee, and I wouldn’t be playing at the college level if not for Kingswood.
What’s something you’ve never done at camp (that might surprise others)? (Example: never played frisbee golf, never been to Big Eddy, etc.)
I’ve never gone waterskiing. It’s interesting as I love snow skiing, but as a camper I preferred rowing watersports and sailing, and now as a counselor I stick to the land.
What are you most excited to do at camp this summer?
Bring back Kingswood frisbee culture.
If you could build any new structure at camp, what would it be, where would it be, and what would it be named?
I would build a covering for the basketball court, and potentially also expand the basketball court back towards the parking lot to add a second court and length-wise fit a floor hockey rink. This structure would prevent the court from collecting rainwater and pine needles, as well as finally give Kingswood a place to host hockey. I would name the complex in its entirety Packer Pavilion, as it would house PGB and further the tribute to the Kingswood alumni from Packer.
What is the funniest skit or bit you’ve ever seen at camp?
It’s hard to pick one, but what comes to mind is the Guides’ 2018 first session Stealth bit, which was Kingswood Admin vs. Care Packages. Andreas Masiakos’ debut as Mike Wipfler was electric and seeing the guides waddle around in boxes (care packages) was hilarious.

What songs make you think of camp (and why)?
Firework – Every July 4 Amerioke request
Lucid Dreams – Song of the summer for my first year at Kingswood, we had it on repeat
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one musical album, what would you bring?
Rumours – Fleetwood Mac