My favorite spoof of the year is this annual list of Thanksgiving suggestions, compliments of Kingswood.
Dress at Thanksgiving is always important. Maybe some boys will choose to honor Kish by wearing blue.Retro is usually Mr. Wiff’s choice of attire for the occasion.But, there are many other possibilities!As the big meal gets started, please turn off the football game and put on some soothing music…such as a violin concerto by Brahms or Mozart.Then. politely invite everyone to the table.While I prefer table assignments…some may elect to sit next to their younger brother…or pretty cousins.Not such a good plan to dine away from the others!Manners count!Be sure to praise the uncle who volunteers in the kitchen…But remember who does the bulk of the hard work!Count your blessings…take respectable portions…and try something new.Under no circumstances, however …take more on your plate than you can eat.Lastly, thank the head cook…and then take a nap.Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.