First order of Thanksgiving business: Find a cook who knows what he is doing!Some folks can’t stand the site of raw food.Put another way — If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.Please don’t show up thinking that Thanksgiving is “Burka Day at Table Four.”Guys home from college can impress the folks with the newest fads.No hats indoors, please.Vernon looks just about right for the occasion.Allow us to make our annual pitch favoring a good presentation.Some nice music in the background is fine.But mind your manners throughout.Try a little bit of everything!But, do not be a glutton.You can always wrap up a few leftovers for later on.Save room for dessert.The bigger you are, the more room in your stomach.Clean up the dishes before…you fall asleep.A better plan is to take a long walk….before watching the game.And, just this one time, go ahead and hug your sister!