“Third Session”: That is what we could call those several weeks after camp when we can take advantage of the beautiful late summer weather. We were indeed blessed with these conditions over the past month or so and much magnificent work got done in anticipation of summer 2017.
To be fair, there were moments when certain directorial types could be found in these chairs, soaking up the glories of Mother Tarleton.We had plenty of company, too, and took many breaks from our work.Our neighbor, Don, loves to create chain saw art. You’ll see this critter, named “The Brat” next summer.We had dinner at the Ascher’s one lovely evening. Note the difference just a mile down the road can make on the view across the lake.Mr. Ascher has one of the most substantial Olympics poster collections in the world.Fun, yes; but the main plan was to work on camp improvement projects.We cleared loads of brush — especially an Eastern Hemlock that had outgrown its place – on the left side of the picnic grove. How nice it looks now.We took five truck loads of mostly young pine trees from Mem Field…to give it this much cleaner look and to give the give the many beautiful saplings we left room to grow!Dan completed the “Theater in the Pines” …and built a new sports storage shed next to the Barn.But, here is the big story: Waterfront Cabin has moved….up the hill a few yards. WHY would we do that?
Take your first look at the new Kingswood beach — doubled in size…
And, even more potential beach area can be imagined beneath the cleaned-up picnic grove area, too.All incoming boats now have a much wider range of beach to aim for. So, take a seat yourself and start dreaming about Kingswood, 2017.
Looks great!!! James can’t wait till Summer 2017