Director’s Report

Needing no introduction

You know them all:  The following gang of actors, characters, pranksters and flim-flam artists will be on hand to provide good laughs and hearty fellowship throughout summer 2012.  A few thoughts about the photos below.  We will eat well, but it will not be dog meat.  When jobs need doing, we’ve got just the right guys for it.  Every nurse will have been to Kingswood in past summers.  If you have a birthday at camp, it will be celebrated in grand fashion.  Introductions of all sorts will involve hilarious skits.  Quidditch anyone?  Play it the Kingswood way.  Rob will be on hand to feed you nasty morsels on the Fourth of July.  Kingswood will not be taken over by any outside attack.  “Cake for some, ice cream for all,” will be Nick’s regular promise.  And, Nate — bless him — will not miss a moment of the above shenanigans, because he, like everyone else pictured below, loves camp and wants to bring you the most fun-filled summer ever.




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