Director’s Report

Programming 101

All of Sara’s photos are from the touch football tournament, which has nothing to do whatsoever with the Bow & Arrow competition.


By Kingswood’s relatively laid-back standards, the weekend full of B&A intensity was plenty enough to sate most appetites for the time being.  Yesterday produced a far more balanced agenda with normal clinics interspersed with a couple of B&A events such as a frisbee golf match and some team practices for Thursday’s Songfest. The boys truly appreciate the pause in the serious competition.


The football action seemed almost benign to this observer as we held the quarterfinals in the stifling heat of day.  Boys seemed quite content to be on different teams from those of the weekend and celebrated camaraderie as the main component of the day.  “What do we get if we win the tournament?” was a question fired in Rob Wiff’s direction.  “A hearty handshake” was his perfect rejoinder.


We are having a gentle garden-variety shower as I write these words at 9 AM.  Rob and Mike consulted on the fly just now and decided to reverse the three activity blocks of the morning.  Third Period will start in a few minutes and that hour is given to Songfest practice for the color war teams.


On Thursday evening, each team will present an Alma Mater song and a second song more along the lines of a chant/cheer/fight song.  Mostly, the coaches select popular tunes that most boys already know and then substitute Kingswood words to make them unique.  Old time campers can easily summon songs rendered years ago as, once committed to memory, they last a lifetime.  We all will have fun with this event.  I can envision our ice cream inventory being reduced to zero afterwards.


The photography department is busy getting ready for Friday evening’s summer-concluding video presentations by Laura and Sara.  First up will be Laura’s film which tends to feature the lighter moments of the session and then Sara’s slide show reveals many of her grandiose pix set to music.


Laura, especially, has asked for contributions so I have been conducting some “filmed interviews” of boys and staff.  One camper missed an easy shot in some sort of game and then asked, “was that on film?” thus giving me just the ammo I need to feed to Laura.


Both of these productions will eventually find their way onto the Kingswood Vimeo site and you will have all the time between now and summer 2023 (the “off season,” as I call it) to share with your boys.