One of the best things about Kingswood, of course, is that you do not have to sign up for any activities until you are there, at camp, to hear about all your options for any and every time block. For those morning instructional periods, you see the ballot once per week and circle your selections.
Every clinic has a design for beginners and most have a specialty component for more advanced participants. The counselors will inform you beforehand what you can expect to happen in the five-day course. Some boys take the same clinic more than one week while others move to other challenges each week.
To parents, especially, know that those pieces of paper are individually reviewed by the camp directors. Yes, the administrative leaders of Kingswood see to it that each boy has both a balanced and a varied clinic experience over the course of the session.
Below, then is a sample of the clinics that will be offered once again in summer 2014.
Let’s say first period, 9:30 to 10:30 is your teamsport time block.The choices might be baseball…basketball…lacrosse…or soccer. Plenty to pick from and you’ll go to the same sport every day this week. Just in the morning. Clinic choices have nothing to do with the rest of the day!Now it is 10:30 and time for second period, say, on the waterfront.Swim instruction is always a one-on-one teaching process. No rush, no pressure!Most boys, however, quickly realize that their waterfront time is best used for the various water sports.Trust us when we tell you that the likes of windsurfing are best practiced on land, at first.The next day, you will be doing the real thing!and, so it goes for all the waterfront activities.But, now it is 11:30 and time for your choice activity.“Choice” means all other instruction offerings that are not teamsports or waterfront. Archery, naturally, is very popular.So is riflery…which is open to boys of all ages.But, when we get creative with choices like cricket…and frisbee games…and fishing…and tie-dying…boys soon see there is much more to choice clinics than the target sports.Nevertheless, the clinics of the morning…are over and done by 12:30, just 15 minutes before lunch.Next Monday, we will tell you about the very poplar afternoon options.