Director’s Report

Sara’s Photo Price List, Summer 2012

Photos, books, and projects for Summer 2012


For those who used my services last year, you may notice that I have adjusted the prices here and there. For example- I figured out how to lessen the cost of yearbooks, but decided to increase the cost of personalized books, given the amount of time I spent on each book last summer.

Personalized Photo Book- $175

The price covers my time taking photos of your child, editing the photos, and digitally making a book filled with my best shots that will then be printed and bound and sent directly to you. For an additional $25 I will include a CD with all of my photos of your child, plus any shots that I find in my dads photo database.


Yearbook- $80

The yearbook is the perfect way to reminisce about camp year around. The yearbooks are broken down by session- so one for 1st session, and a second for 2nd session. Both 1st & 2nd session yearbooks include my professional quality photos of each camper and counselor, cabin photos, scenic shots, along with documentation of nearly every camp activity and event. I will take all the photographs that will appear in the yearbooks, with exception to the hikes that I do not go on. If your child is staying for portions of 1st and 2nd session, you have the option of getting both books for $150. Also, I have a limited supply of yearbooks left over from last year that can be purchased for a discounted price of $70.


Personalized collages- $300 (plus shipping)

If you are a returning Kingswood family, look at 2011’s collage, which I made, and you will get the idea of the type of collage you would get. The pictures included would be the ones I have of your child, plus any and all of him that I find in my dads photo database.


Photo CD-

Option 1- $30

I compile a CD with all the photos of your child that I find in my dads photo database, along with whatever photos of you child that I happen to take for the yearbook.

Option 2- $50

I actively work to take pictures of your child (as I would if I were doing a personalized book or collage), and also include the photos defined in option 1.


I absolutely love color. Portraits are my specialty. Eyes are what I focus on. Check out the Kingswood website for many of my photos, or my site



Contact me at I will not be at camp for most of opening day 1st session, so it’s important to contact me before then. I don’t need to know immediately if you want a yearbook, but I need to know before your child arrives at camp if you are interested in a personalized book, personalized CD, or collage.


1 thought on “Sara’s Photo Price List, Summer 2012”

  1. I’m going to clarify why the collage and the personalized books are more expensive than the other options. When I take on a job like a book or a collage I work hard throughout the campers time at camp to make sure I have enough high quality photos to complete the project. This includes more than just taking a random photo of your son every now and then!
    Hope this makes sense!


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