Director’s Report

Singing in the Rain

It probably rained the hardest yet yesterday afternoon and evening.  But, those were my ballplayers on the Little League field at 4:30 when the first showers arrived.  Tim Kennedy, who was running basketball games just beyond the left filed fence, teased me about holding my baseball guys longer than he was able to contain his hoopsters.  “We played until the umpires called for the tarp,” was my comeback line.

Anyway, there were terrific wafflings of aroma from the BBQ pit, where Bill was smoking a pork butt to go with his Carolina sauce.  All to honor the girls from Wa-Klo, who arrived just in time for dinner and a dance to follow.   You can see the CIT welcoming committee in one of the photos below, as well as Tono with his girl friend, who turned out to be his sister, or so he told me (unconvincingly.)  “But, he really is my brother,” the young lady informed me.

While the older kids were dancing away the evening, fishermen were off to Indian Pond, where their luck was much better than during the derby on Tarleton, reported on earlier.  Despite wind and rain, the group insisted this was the best trip to Indian Pond in some time.  Another group of eight are still out there in the hills — Smarts Mountian, to be specific — and I am guessing they will be drenched to the bone when we see them later this morning.  The remaining bulk of non-dancer/trippers were summoned to the dining room for a rousing collection of individual challenges.  I have no photos, this time, but from the rave reviews, I am certain to see another version of this game.

Lastly, the photo series below starts with Ben’s passionate rendition of “God Save The Queen,” and ends with a picture of the Singing War Canoe, taken five minutes ago while I was typing paragraph #2 above.  All the vocalizing along the shores of Momma T is music to my ears, and, I’ll bet, to yours as well.

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