For years, we have published a Thanksgiving Blues Buster report a few days before the big event. This time around, we snuck in a couple pix from Thanksgiving’s past. See if you can find them. Regardless, enjoy both this report and America’s most authentic holiday
Give a lot of thought to your guest list.
At least take a shower, if not get a haircut, before Thursday.Hunting your own turkey should not take that many shots.And, your menu does not need to feature turkey as the lone main course.Eggs, too, have more uses that simply the Kingswood Egg Drop.Why not consider a few males in the kitchen…beside just mom or grandma?Dress is important for the big meal, but pajamas are not recommended, even if they are OK at camp.Relax while you await the call to the table.Even then, be patient.Play some soothing music…or, maybe some that is not so soothing. Each to his own taste.Finally, the food will start making its way to the table…which is thoroughly adorned with special settings.While camaraderie is most important…be neither a food hog…nor a glutton.Of course, fill your plate…but save some for the little kids.Munch on that drumstick…but try not to get too much food on your face.Lastly, mind your manners…save plenty of room for dessert,…and think of Kingswood while having a great day.