Director’s Report

Welcome Rain

One evening or even one full day of rain is almost always appreciated by the entire community, and for a variety of reasons.

Reveille can be delayed and rest hour extended.  No one complains.

A different slate of activities are offered, many for the first time of the summer, or ever, for that matter.  Everyone likes a bit of variety.

Cabin lights go out on the early side and usually there is only a smatter of disappointment.

The lawns and gardens get watered and at least this writer appreciates the effort of mother nature.

Yesterday’s rains pretty much held off until dinner time, but don’t say that to the hearty gang who hiked Mt. Cardigan in a heavy downpour.  Further north, here at camp, the day produced only short intervals of showers and most activities went forward without much delay.  Rob did order rest hour extended by 15 minutes and everybody was happy with that.

My photo album captures the impressive mixture of after-dinner sponsorships.  “Tarleton Tennis” was held in the swim area where campers jumped off the tower in an effort to catch tennis balls tossed by the counselors.  The small group made noise enough for legions.

You can see other outdoor offerings held in the rain such as volleyball, ping-pong, Frisbee golf and “layout” dives for flying Frisbees on the soccer field.

Indoors, the action was far less physical but equally as intense in some areas and totally laid back in others.  Warm fires graced both the Great Room where board games were happening and in the Nature Building stove as crafts, reading and other light mayhem occurred.  The point here is that everyone found something fun to do on a rotten evening and that is how it always works out.

Today has dawned a bit “lowery” but the forecast is favorable and I think a regular day is in the works.  And while the rainy evening was a decent respite for all of us, we all are eager to see the sun come back so we can get on with this glorious summer.


PS.  Sara has added her July 4, Part II photos.  What a day!