New Hampshire weather is not supposed to be hazy, hot and humid with afternoon and evening showers. But, that’s been the deal for a couple days running, with more of the same forecast for the next few days. This time, however, we were on to Mother Nature and anticipated the oncoming storm that arrived midway through A Block.
The last photo at bottom shows the “rescue” of sorts when we sent out the power boat to retrieve boys who were in kayaks and canoes. The craft were left to float eerily while the showers lingered and then we picked up where we had left off and fetched the abandoned boats. B Block found boys back out on the lake. Good camp!
Anyway, the day started out normally enough with the first three morning clinics. Each camper participated in a waterfront, a teamsport and a choice clinic.
The rains subsided after dinner so lots of evening sponsorships ensued, until after 8 pm. Noting the grounds being a tad wet, we repaired to the Dining Room to hand out T-shirts to everyone and frisbees to all folks who have been at Kingswood for three years or more. Abby, daughter of our waterfront director, designed this year’s frisbee and received a thunderous (no pun intended) applause when she revealed the 2013 models. The yellowish ones glow in the dark and the white ones turn purple when wet. Why do I get excited when I write that last sentence, as I am over 60 and won’t personally be tossing a single frisbee any time soon? Guess I was just meant to be a camp man!