Director’s Report

Bonding Has Begun

A roar outside my office window aroused me yesterday afternoon.  Minch had made a very rare hole-in-one on the difficult #8  of our frisbee golf course.  Word traveled fast and I was left thinking how good this was for a  rapid adaptation to life here at Kingswood.  Frisbee aces, you see, are most heralded events.

This morning, we awoke to a pleasantly cool northerly breeze, but not a cold one, and scores of lads — campers and counselors — turned out for the initial morning swim of the session.  By yelling “POLAR BEAR” “at the top of his lungs, one performs the double duty of pumping himself into action and waking up the rest of the camp.  “You are crazy” is my standard tease line, which boys happily turn back against me for my electing NOT to participate.

The last photo shows part of the administrative gang that assembles at 7:30 each morning of camp to hammer out today’s program.  We are proud of our ability to adapt to present conditions every moment throughout the summer.  That relative coolness referred to above is the perfect condition for hiking, so Mike is seen informing the rest of us that two trips will be offered to boys this afternoon.

At breakfast, campers were given the “heads up” on both the hikes plus two tournaments this afternoon, U-10 soccer and U-15 tennis.  They have all morning to think about their afternoon selections.  As I write these words, the kids are  busy at the first clinics of the session.  Each boy has one hour on the waterfront, one hour in a teamsport, and one hour in all the leftover activities, which we refer to as “choice clinics.”  They will take the same three classes Monday through Friday.  Clinics at Kingswood are meant to be SNAPPY, INSTRUCTIVE and FUN.

All the above taken in, you may rightly conclude that even as early as full day number one, bonding has begun.

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