Director’s Report

Mountain Men

We are primarily a mountain tribe here along the shores of Lake Tarleton.   Last evening, we gathered around our sacred “low council fire,” to discuss important tribal matters.  To each agreeable suggestion, the braves and sachems replied with a firm “how how.”  All concurred that understanding and appreciating local geography is our prime responsibility as a community.  We want to establish a “high council fire” one day, for example.

“Some camps drive kids eight hours to the Kennebec River in northern Maine to take a 45 minute rapid water raft trip,” this Head Chief reported to the group.  No “how hows” were uttered in response.  Most were pleased to know that hikers on Mt. Piermont  and Peak A-27 had had successful missions and were back to the village in plenty of time for both B-Block, that free period before dinner, and the evening activity sponsorships following.

We ended the council with a modest rendition of the Kingswood campfire song, then taps.  To soft guitar music, boys in cabin groups very quietly (to their immense credit) trekked up the hill to bunks, teeth-brushing and a good night’s rest.  How how.



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