Director’s Report

A Relaxing Weekend

While it is all relative, a “relaxing weekend” to us might translate as “chaos unlimited” to the uninitiated camp parent.  Trust me, then when I tell you we kicked back a tad on Saturday and Sunday.  We give cabin staff time off over the weekends, while at the same time maintaining the same level of supervision.  Translation:  the high administrative types take on some of the chores of the cabin counselors on these occasions.  I just plopped down on Pines Field for most of the time and enjoyed many nice conversations with the boys.

It is raining on this Monday morning and we might be stuck in the weeds all day long. Not to fret, as we have plenty of indoor ideas to keep the joint afloat until the foul weather passes.  This morning we are going back to a model that worked very well first session:  The Kingswood No-Talent Show.  The cabin skits commence in under an hour and this director has already braced himself for the inevitable “Mr Wiff” mimicking to follow — the main theme being I am out of my mind for running a boys camp full of hooligans or some such undesirables.  That being the furthest from the truth makes for some good entertainment.

Here is the skinny on the weekend:  Most of my pix were taken on Pines Field and you can see several different games taking place, including a percussion jam several photos down the list.  At the end, you’ll discover “Capture the Cumbersome Object,” a Kingswood variation on a common game, with a mattress substituted for the usual flag.  Hilarious.  Lastly, late in the going last evening, I ended up on the soccer field, where DJ, the youngest boy on the grounds, made a nice goal in a pick-up game.  In typical Kingswood fashion, the lad was hoist on the shoulders of his admiring teammates and all was swell along the shores of Mother Tarleton for another day.

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