Director’s Report

At Long Last…

… we had a beautiful evening.  I love those sepia colors of this time of day and maneuvered my camera whenever possible to include them, along with many very happy boys.  Just look at the lifeguards sponsoring inner-tube sun bathing and you get the idea of our mood.  Maybe we will start drying out, finally.  The forecast is good and many boys are hiking today.

Our post-dinner basketball model is especially popular.  This one shows just 13 year olds being coached by the CIT’s and narrated (hilariously) by Klaus.  I love the energy of this event.  Each team got several 8 minute rounds and the winner was… oh, who cares?

What were the oldest boys doing playing murder dodge ball  (with harmless foam balls, I tell you mom) on the tennis courts?  Well, the 15’s from a couple other camps are getting together today for the annual bombardment tourney.  I could not resist teasing them:  “Last year, many kids were hospitalized.”  (Mom:  Note I said “teased.”)

Lastly, some boys canoed over to Sunset Point to spend the night and there they were this morning at Polar Bear dip time, singing their way back across the shimmering waters of Momma Tarleton just in time for a hot breakfast and another day of sunny activities.  Oh, to be young again!

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