Director’s Report

Find the Counselor

Kudos abounded this morning as we hailed a great camp energy event staged by the counselors last evening.  Tradition has it that the staff guys stall during dinner so that the hide-and-seek game gets a late start, thus ending after darkness descends, a boon to them.  Rob captured some of the hijinks on VIMEO, to be shown later, or maybe in his end of session movie.  It was very entertaining, to say the least.

Counselors had twenty minutes to hide in the woods.  They only got fifteen, as I could not hold back the hordes any longer than that.  Those staffers who got discovered — quite a few, as we limited what part of the woods they could hide in — were pelted by the cold hose.  Kids loved seeing their favorite counselors squirm and squeal with water that seemed one degree above freezing.  At event’s end, they were screaming out MY name as the next victim.  At that point, I handed the hose to CIT Hartel Smith, who dispersed the crowd with an aplomb suitable to any police demonstration bashers.

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