Director’s Report

No-Talent Talent

For a rainy day that was pretty much a washout, we had barrels of laughs.  The heaviest showers came in the morning and program guy  Mike Wiff announced the perfect stall — the No-Talent Talent Show.  Each cabin put on an act, judged by our four-man tribunal (that’s what we call it, sorry) whose hilarious commentaries had all of us in double stitches — first for the performance, then the verdict!  When the  bell rang for lunch, we still had a few acts to go, and all stayed put — entertainment for once trumping stomach growls.

If it can be argued that there was a let-up to the rain, it came in the earlier part of the afternoon and we succeeded in getting 2 1/2 clinic periods conducted before the horn sent everyone scurrying for cover.  At the same time, the vans carrying the Wa-Klo senior girls came rolling into the parking lot just as the dinner bell sounded, thus providing a new chapter of comedy for the evening time.

Yes, it was funny stuff — first some girls eating at the same tables as juniors, then around of funny announcements in which the younger campers had been coached to praise the older boys in front of the gals.  “I was so sad, but then ‘so-and-so’ gave me a lot of candy to make me feel better,” is an example of a line designed to impress the visitors.  Look at the photos taken at the dance and make your own judgment as to the success of the scam.  There were no complaints from the younger boys as well, since they played board games, ate cookies and watched a movie in the Dining Room while the elder set in the Main Lodge was dancing away the night in somewhat “no-talent” form.

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