Director’s Report

Prime Teaching Moments

Actually, we think every waking moment for boys at camp is a learning situation for them.  Guys who were homesick a week ago no longer are showing much, if any, separation anxiety.  It is a simple strategy, but not an easy one to execute, when cool counselors persevere with the campers, insisting that they take part in this and that until which time the boys are so absorbed in camp life that pangs of missing loved ones recede into the  background.  Your job as parents is to allow the process to follow its natural course.  MUCH MUCH more on this in forthcoming essays, which we have started editing, with nuances galore so as not to offend any sensitivities.  Hence the double entendre with today’s title headline.  Many of you are learning as much as your kids are.

Here are some pics taken at clinics and at council fire last night.  The boys featured in that segment of photos were given a full hour to prepare a fire, with no help at all from adults.  Come showtime, they were given one match:  Colin, Kiefer, Connor and Andrew did or did not succeed.  Photos below reveal the answer.


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