Director’s Report

Saturday Potpourri

Each Saturday the post will feature “friendships in the making and keeping,” a potpourri of various pix from the past few days.  I am trying to get every boy prominently featured, but that will take some time.  Please be patient with me.  You should also take a peek at the VIMEO productions by Katherine and Rob.  Go to the web site and click on “Kingswood Media.”  These videos are yet another way that the camp directors allow you to be a fly on the wall.  Enjoy.

Jay is the “Certification Tsar.” As such, he keeps track of all activities that require a demonstrated knowledge of the safety rules and the handling of special equipment such as sailboats and golf clubs. Boys who gain certification are still closely supervised but they enjoy privileges that others do not yet have.
Jude enjoys a 3 on 1 counselor to camper ratio in the kayak clinic. I’ll bet he got certified or soon will be!
All the remaining uncaptioned photos show old and new friendships in the making. Learning not just to MAKE those new relationships but KEEP them is what Kingswood is all about.
“Chain Gang” after the heavy rains brought boys of all ages together for a common cause.
Our new hiking and trips bulletin boards allow boys to talk about great camp experiences and to plan for new ones.
Matt had more than one opportunity to mimic Mr. Wipfler this week. He is a good me!
Pines Field after dinner is the prime hang out. The place begs for easy relaxation.
I laughed heartily when a basketball, a frisbee and a lacrosse ball all arrived at the hoop at the same time.
After the canoe capsize drill, Jack and Sam enjoy a cup of hot chocolate.
Peter, a CIT, does his best to befriend Rex, a first-time camper.
Shivering together is a bonding experience.
There were some puffy breezes this week.

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These lads took out playaks and canoes last evening…
and serenaded the Wipfler cabin on the way home as dusk settled in.



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