Since our purchase of Kingswood in 1984, every building has either been rebuilt or has had a major “face-lift.”
Our maintenance team scrutinizes every inch of our campus and buildings before children arrive each summer. A camp tour for each cabin is always scheduled on the first night at camp. Counselors orient new and returning campers to their surroundings – most important on that first tour are the bathhouses and the infirmary!
Take your own tour by clicking on any of the facilities below. You will find descriptions and photos galore!

Our Main Lodge, Dining Hall and Council Circle all sit on the edge of the lake, affording stunning views of the distant White Mountains with protected national forest lands in between. We love listening to the loons calling out at night, when one cannot see a single light on the far shore or horizon. Even young campers marvel at our unique setting.

All of the Sleeping Cabins are just up the hill from the Waterfront and most of them open up directly onto Pines Field, the campus green. This juxtaposition of bunk houses not only makes for easier supervision – both day and night – but also contributes to the ease in which boys get to know one another, regardless of age. Staff cottages ring the area and the infirmary is precisely in the middle of the flow.

All eleven of the venues listed here are a stone’s throw from the cabin area and Pines Field. Not only is this convenient from a logistical standpoint, but is another component of our “easy-to-supervise” facility.
If a person wishes to locate the whereabouts of another, all he usually has to do is ask someone. As a community, Kingswood tends to know everyone’s comings and goings.